MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) is a key emerging technology, especially since the introduction of 5G systems. The industry interest is gradually shifting into this new domain, with impact on new application development paradigms, that will enable innovative services accelerating even further the smartphones evolution. Moreover, cybersecurity is an important aspect to consider. It is then important to get familiar now with MEC and its impacts and benefits on application developments, avoiding the many myths and confusions that often circulate around new technologies.
The course will help you to navigate across many standards and solutions, in order to better focus on what matters for edge application development. It will cover the main aspects of Edge Computing, from a both system level and practical perspective and with the aim to provide useful tool for engineers, research scientists and of course application developers. In particular, you will learn all innovative technologies around MEC, with all critical references from international standardization (e.g. ETSI, 3GPP), industry groups (e.g. GSMA, 5GAA) and open source projects (e.g. Linux Foundation, CNCF, etc.). A special focus will be given to cybersecurity, where you will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the state-of-the-art support for edge computing, with special focus on automotive applications, as a key example from the industry.
Additionally, a set of practical examples and exercises will complete the course, together with a final quiz, where you will have the opportunity to measure your skills against problems in the real life, to be prepared to build your own MEC application, also based on the open-source software introduced during the course.
By the end of the course, you will be able to understand Edge computing and its key technology not only for 5G systems, but also in conjunction with other access technologies.
Dario Sabella works with Intel Corporation as Senior Manager Standards and Research, driving new technologies and edge cloud innovation for advanced systems, involved in ecosystem engagement and coordinating internal alignment on edge computing across standards and industry groups. In February 2021, he was elected as Chairman of ETSI MEC (Multi-acc See More information
Dario Sabella works with Intel Corporation as Senior Manager Standards and Research, driving new technologies and edge cloud innovation for advanced systems, involved in ecosystem engagement and coordinating internal alignment on edge computing across standards and industry groups. In February 2021, he was elected as Chairman of ETSI MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing), which is a leading international standard on edge computing. This MEC group is composed by a heterogeneous set of stakeholders, from mobile network operators, technology providers, startups and software developers, universities, research centers, but also governments and public institutions. With ETSI MEC since 2018 he led the organization of many MEC Hackathons, as great competitions for application developers, being part of the jury members for the technical evaluation of the services and solutions proposed by researchers, developers, startups and also corporate teams, judging technical soundness, but also business impact and credibility of use cases.
As MEC is serving multiple use cases, since 2017 Dario served as delegate of 5GAA (5G Automotive Association), which is a global, cross-industry organization of companies coming from the automotive, technology, and telecommunications industries, and working together to develop end-to-end solutions for future mobility and transportation services. In 5GAA he covered since 2020 a leadership position of a big project on MEC and edge computing solutions for automotive, involving multiple mobile operators and multiple car makers across various regions of the world.
In both organizations, ETSI MEC and 5GAA, cybersecurity is of outmost importance, as critical for edge computing environments, as a number of challenges need to be addressed in order to ensure the required level of security at many levels, from HW and infrastructure, to SW and up to application level. Other than being author of several publications (80+) and patents (50+) in the field of communication and edge computing, he published 2 books, and various white papers on edge application development and security. Dario is IEEE senior member and has also organized several international workshops and conferences.